turboJOY! Astonishing Blessings!

turboJOY! Astonishing Blessings! 1024 172 turboJOY!

“God can pour on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what needs to be done.”

2 Corinthians 9:8-10 (MSG)

Here is my declaration over you:

God pours out blessings on you in astonishing ways so you are ready for anything and everything, YOU are more than just ready to do what needs to be done.

Here is a declaration that you can declare over yourself as often as you like:

God pours out the blessings over me in astonishing ways so I’m ready for anything and everything, In fact, I’m more than just ready to do what needs to be done.