turboJOY! Source of Overflowing Goodness

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A Promise with a secret:

“Don’t think for a moment that you know it all, for wisdom comes when you adore him with undivided devotion and avoid everything that’s wrong. Then you will find the healing refreshment your body and spirit long for. Glorify God with all your wealth, honoring him with your very best, with every increase that comes to you, then every dimension of your life will overflow with blessings from an uncontainable source of inner joy!”

Proverbs 3:7-8 (TPT)

Here is my declaration over you:

You know that you don’t know it all, and that wisdom comes when you adore him with undivided devotion, avoiding everything that’s wrong. You find the healing refreshment your body and spirit long for. You Glorify God with all your wealth, honoring him with your very best, with every increase that comes to you and every dimension of your life overflows with blessings from an uncontainable source of inner joy!

Here is a declaration that you can declare over yourself as often as you like:

I know I don’t know it all. I know wisdom comes when I adore him with undivided devotion so I avoid everything that’s wrong. I have healing refreshment that my body and spirit longs for. I glorify God with all my wealth: I honor him with my very best, with every increase that comes to me. I find every dimension of my life overflows with blessings from an uncontainable source of inner joy.