turboJOY! Sitting Next to the King

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King Jesus speaks of a special place in the Kingdom!

“Then the King will turn to those on his right and say, ‘You have a special place in my Father’s heart. Come and experience the full inheritance of the kingdom realm that has been destined for you from before the foundation of the world!”

Matthew 25:34 (TPT)

Here is my declaration over you:

Then the King will turn to you who is on his right and say, ‘You have a special place in my Father’s heart. Come and experience the full inheritance of the kingdom realm that has been destined for you from before the foundation of the world!

Here is a declaration that you can declare over yourself as often as you like:

Then the King will turn to me who is on his right and say, ‘You have a special place in my Father’s heart. Come and experience the full inheritance of the kingdom realm that has been destined for you from before the foundation of the world!