turboJOY! Planted by Brooks of Bliss

turboJOY! Planted by Brooks of Bliss 1024 172 Kingdom Happy Hour

In Psalm 1:3 is a description of God’s design for you:

“He will be standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of his life. He is never dry, never fainting, ever blessed, and ever prosperous.”

Psalm 1:3 (TPT)

Here is my declaration over you:

You stand firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted, by His Brooks of Bliss, bearing fruit in every season of your life. You are never dry, never fainting, only ever blessed, ever prosperous.

Here is a declaration that you can declare over yourself as often as you like:

I stand firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design. I am deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, I bear fruit in every season of my life. I am never dry, never fainting, ever blessed, and ever prosperous.