turboJOY! Not Your Job!

turboJOY! Not Your Job! 1024 172 turboJOY!

“Afraid of never measuring up? Paul has this to say to the people in Thessalonica:

“Don’t think you have to make yourself holy OR whole! HE will!
May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it!”

1 Thessalonians 5:24 (MSG)

Here is my declaration over you:

God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, makes you holy and whole, puts you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keeps you fit for the coming of your Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it!

Here is a declaration that you can declare over yourself as often as you like:

God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, makes ME holy and whole, puts ME together—spirit, soul, and body—and KEEPS me fit for the coming of my Master, Jesus Christ. The One who calls ME is completely dependable. He said it, he’ll do it!